Remote Recovery service
We are happy to announce remote recovery service. Our expert will connect to your PC using TeamViewer or Microsoft Remote Desktop and recover required data using our software. We work only on your PC and do not copy any data. All you need is supply us with basic information provide us a remote access and a free space to save recovered data.
SoftAmbulance team can recover remotely files, emails, documents, photos, databases. We would be happy to assist you in recovery of VMFS, NTFS, FAT and EXT disks, RAID levels 0, 1, 5, 6, 10, 50, 60.
How it's done
After filling a remote recovery request at our support page we will contact for missing details and start recovery. When recovery is complete, you'll be able to check results before payment. After checking recovered data you can proceed with payment and obtain a registration key to save recovered data.
Basic system requirements is a PC under Windows XP or higher, administrative rights(it is required for direct disk access), free space to save recovered files and Internet connection. Recovered data can also be saved to CD\DVD disks or uploaded to FTP server.
For more complicated cases with disks larger then 16Tb Windows 8.1 or higher is required.
ESX server recovery requires connecting it's disks to Windows PC(preferred) or SSH access.
You are welcome to leave a remote recovery request below or at our support page.
We could not help you without your name and e-mail!
Also please make sure that our e-mails are not in your spam or black list.